Why Companion Planting?

  • What is it?

    Companion planting is the practice of growing different species together based on their ability to enhance one another's development, it increases the health and productivity of your crops. They also offer some form of pest protection and attract much needed pollinators, because we depend on pollinators for most of the vegetables and fruits we love!

  • Benefits

    • Naturally repelling insects

    • Deterring certain diseases

    • Minimizing competition for space, nutrients, or water

    • Can add beneficial nutrients to the soil

    • Providing stability for climbing - species

    • Tall plants can provide shade for ground-growing, shade-loving species

  • What not to do!

    We do all we can to keep our plants happy and healthy, but sometimes, no matter what you do, certain plants just don’t go together. Plants that don’t like each other may be responding to different environmental needs, could be in direct competition with one another for major resources or one may attract insects that severely harm the other.

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